Individual Project

Tools for Co-creation and Situated Making

Central European University, Budapest (HU)

Anja Groten gives a talk and workshop entitled 'Tools for Co-creation and Situated Making' at the graduate conference In/Equalities at the Department of Gender Studies at Central European University in Budapest.


Drawing on practice-based research and community organization this talk discusses in/equalities by looking at limits and possibilities of critical making1–and more specifically by putting forward the work of Amsterdam-based collective Hackers & Designers and their collaboration with the Utrecht-based collective Read-in on the Feminist Search Tool2.


Technologies, such as web technologies and user experiences often come with alleged 'universal‘ design conventions–popularised by dominant web platforms and backend systems. In line with the questions raised with the GRACE Museum project 'Equality Otherwise‘, Anja Groten proposes a collective 'critical paper prototyping session‘. Applying approaches of co-creation this session aims at including multiple perspectives (those of the GRACE members) in the iterative prototyping process.